SUBSTANCE USE - Two men smoke marijuana and drink whiskey. A man and his 19-year-old daughter drink alcohol together (it could be whiskey), two men drink whiskey in many scenes throughout the movie, several people drink wine with dinner, and people drink beer and other alcoholic beverages in several bar scenes. Two men smoke cigarettes and drink beer in a bar, several men smoke cigarettes in many scenes throughout the movie, a woman smokes cigarettes in a few scenes, a man spits into a cup (he is apparently chewing tobacco), and a man smokes a cigar.
Sex Scenes In Brokeback Mountain
These love scenes also provided a challenge to Gyllenhaal and Ledger, who both had little experience performing in scenes of this nature. But for Ledger, according to a 2005 E! Online interview, a simple approach of remembering his real-life experiences of love proved very effective.
Principal photography began in the summer of 2004.[24] While the novel is set in Wyoming, Brokeback Mountain was filmed almost entirely in the Canadian Rockies in southern Alberta. Lee was given a tour of the locations from the story in Wyoming by Proulx, but chose to shoot in Alberta citing financial reasons.[12] The mountain featured in the film is a composite of Mount Lougheed south of the town of Canmore, Fortress and Moose Mountain in Kananaskis Country.[25] The campsites were filmed at Goat Creek, Upper Kananaskis Lake, Elbow Falls and Canyon Creek, also in Alberta. Other scenes were filmed in Cowley, Fort Macleod, and Calgary.[26] Brokeback Mountain's production budget was approximately US$14 million.[27]
Initially, Alberta's environmental department prohibited the crew from bringing domestic sheep into the Rockies, due to a risk of disease harming the local wildlife. The authorities eventually gave permission for them to shoot on one mountain, as long as they transported the domestic sheep in and out, every day. A biologist was hired to supervise this process.[4]
During the last scenes where Ennis meets Jack's parents, production designer Judy Becker was tasked in finding a suitable house. Lee took inspiration from painters Andrew Wyeth and Vilhelm Hammershoi for the white interior walls. Using two cameras, Lee would capture the actors from both angles, and then change lenses and repeat. "When you edit it together, you can apply certain emphasis to certain reactions, emotions", Lee said.[28] Ossana remembers that the last scenes were emotional for Ledger and personally affected him. The actors who played Jack's parents, Roberta Maxwell and Peter McRobbie, said Ledger was very quiet and gave a "powerful performance".[4]
The film has been given different titles in accordance to different languages and regions. For the film's release in French and Italian, it was titled Le Secret de Brokeback Mountain and I segreti di Brokeback Mountain (The Secret(s) of Brokeback Mountain), respectively.[44][45] In Canadian French, the title is Souvenirs de Brokeback Mountain (Memories of Brokeback Mountain).[46][47] The film received two Spanish titles: Brokeback Mountain: En terreno vedado (In a forbidden terrain) for its release in Spain[48] and Secreto en la Montaña (Secret in the mountain) for its release in Latin America.[49] In Hungarian, the title was Túl a barátságon (Beyond friendship).[50]
The film was met with mixed responses in some regions, particularly China and Islamic nations of western Asia. According to reports, the film was not shown in theaters in China, though it was freely available in bootleg DVD and VHS. The Chinese government said the audience would have been too small; the foreign media accused the government of censorship.[52][53] The word "brokeback" (Chinese: 断背; pinyin: duànbèi) also entered the Chinese lexicon as a slang for homosexuality.[54] The film was dubbed "the gay cowboy movie" by the press, a term that was propelled into the American vernacular.[18] The film was also released in Turkey.[55]
On December 8, 2008, the Italian state-owned television channel Rai Due aired a censored version of the film, removing all the scenes with homoerotic references. Viewers protested, saying the deletions made the plot hard to follow. The Arcigay organisation accused the channel of homophobic censorship.[58] The state-owned television network RAI said the Italian film distributor had mistakenly censored the film. RAI showed an uncensored version of the film on March 17, 2009.[59]
The San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival starts on June 14, and this year's opening night film, Andre Techine's The Witnesses, has as many scandalous man-on-man sex scenes as *Brokeback Mountain *and as many shower scenes as any good French flick. It's a film about how sex, passion, and AIDS affect one group of friends in the early 1980s.
HATHAWAY: No, no, actually we went the opposite route. We began to approach it from that standpoint, and Jake and I called each other and decided that we didn't want to go that route, that we wanted to put our trust in Ed. We said to him: shoot it the way you think it ought to be shot and give us final cut over the scenes, and let's just trust each other.
HATHAWAY: I did, I did. I cut probably a total of about five seconds out of the nude scenes, no particular - I didn't cut whole scenes but just shots that I felt went on a little bit too long. Maybe it was just me being sensitive to it, but I thought that for whatever reason, I thought the camera lingered a little bit. And Ed had no problems just taking them out.
So we had these wonderful musicians around all the time, and they're playing in the background. And most scenes, it actually really enhanced the experience. But we go through one take, and I'm just sitting there, and I hadn't anticipated the scene would have them.
Jake Gyllenhaal revealed in a new interview that Brokeback Mountain co-star Heath Ledger refused to present at the 2006 Academy Awards ceremony over jokes about the acclaimed film. Ang Lee won Best Director at the Oscars for the sprawling, heart-rending western drama, which also won for its screenplay and musical score. Ledger and Gyllenhaal each earned Oscar nominations for their portrayals of a rancher and rodeo cowboy who unexpectedly fall in love while working together on a shepherding job along the titular mountain.
Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart emceed the 2006 Oscars telecast, which opened with a Brokeback Mountain joke. It depicted a tent in the mountains that looked almost identical to that seen in the film. Out popped former Oscars hosts Billy Crystal and Chris Rock, telling the audience they couldn't host because they were "busy," a direct reference to the film's sex scene that was infamous at the time. Stewart made one crack about Brokeback Mountain and Capote in his opening monologue, saying the latter was "a groundbreaking film that broke taboos, that showed America, not all gay people are virile cowboys." Ledger was present at the ceremony, despite not presenting an award.
Though well-photographed and often well-acted, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is too long and at times twisted, laughable, frustrating, sadomasochistic, plotless, and boring. It's also politically correct. The main conflict is between the two cowboys. Jack wants them both to get divorced and tend a ranch together, but Ennis is too afraid of the scandal their relationship would cause. Secretly, however, Ennis, is also haunted by the corpse of a murdered, castrated homosexual cowboy his father made him see when Ennis was very young. Thus, America and its sexual repression of homosexual perverts is the problem. Clearly, John Wayne is turning over in his grave.Content:(RoRoRo, PCPCPC, HoHoHo, Co, AcapAcap, Cap, Ab, AP, RHRH, C, LLL, VVV, SSS, NNN, AA, D, MMM)Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements: Romantic, politically correct worldview with very strong pro-homosexual content, including explicit sex scenes that sometimes come across as sadomasochistic, a pro-Marxist or pro-Communist subtext seems evident, with some strong anti-capitalist sentiments against one protagonist's employer, although that protagonist eventually proves to be a good salesman for his father-in-law's company, and an explicitly anti-Christian scene where one protagonist mocks people who go to church and who sing hymns about Jesus Christ and an anti-American subtext that seems evident, as well as revisionist history of homosexuality in America in order to serve the movie's politically correct, Romantic worldview about homosexuality and its sexual perversions, including a Christian wedding scene with the Lord's Prayer, but it has an ironic tone in context of the rest of the movie; Foul Language: About 58 obscenities (including ,many "f" words), 15 strong profanities, one light profanity, and references to urinating; Violence: Two extreme scenes of bloody violence include shot of castrated man and man's head is beaten bloody until he is dead, and scenes of violence where men fight and wrestle in a rough way, and homosexual sodomy scene plays almost like a homosexual rape; Sex: Very strong sexual content includes depicted homosexual and heterosexual sodomy (with a hint of sadomasochism during one or more homosexual scenes), depicted homosexual kissing and groping, depicted intercourse between married couple, and implied intercourse and almost intercourse with women who are shown topless; Nudity: Upper female nudity in several scenes, full male nudity in bathing scene, rare male nudity, and upper male nudity; Alcohol Use: Alcohol use and drunkenness; Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse: Smoking; Miscellaneous Immorality: Lying, men cheat on wives, sexual "repression" is seen as evil, family arguments, divorce, and negative portrayal of heterosexual fathers.
Activists protested that RAI TV would never have dropped similar scenes had they involved a heterosexual couple, and politicians called for the incident to be discussed in parliament. RAI said it had aired the cut version by mistake. 2ff7e9595c